
Numeric Array Type


Multi-dimentional numeric array is supported by Dao as array type.

 0.1  Definition 
   1  # Elements Enumeration:
   2  VectorEnumeration  ::= '[' ExpressionList ']'
   3  MatrixEnumeration  ::= '[' ExpressionList { ';' ExpressionList } ']'
   4  VectorEnumeration2 ::= 'array' '{' ExpressionList '}'
   5  MatrixEnumeration2 ::= 'array' '{' ExpressionList { ';' ExpressionList } '}'
   7  # Elements of Arithmetic Progression sequence: count ~ start [ ~ step ]
   8  ArrayByArithProg  ::= '[' Expression ':' [ Expression ':' ] Expression ']'
   9  ArrayByArithProg2 ::= 'array' '{' Expression ':' [ Expression ':' ] Expression '}'
  11  Array ::= VectorEnumeration | MatrixEnumeration | ArrayByArithProg
  12            | VectorEnumeration2 | MatrixEnumeration2 | ArrayByArithProg2
Please note that VectorEnumeration or VectorEnumeration2 can still create a matrix or a m
ulti-dimensional array,  if the ExpressionList produces a list of arrays.

Four numeric types are supported by the array type: int, float, double and complex. When 
an array is created by enumeration without  explicit type declaration, its numeric type i
s inferred from the first expression  of the expression list, if the enumeration is not e
mpty; otherwise,  float will be used as the numeric type.

Dao supports a number of built-in operations for array. For arithmetic operations,  they 
are always supported element-wise operations. 

 0.2  Examples 
   1  var vec1 = [1, 2, 3]            # array<int> vector, or 1x3 matrix;
   2  var vec2 = [1F; 2; 3]           # array<float> 3x1 matrix, or transposed vector;
   3  var mat1 = [1.0, 2; 3, 4]       # array<double> 2x2 matrix;
   4  var mat2 = [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ]   # 2x2 matrix
   5  var mat3 = array{ 1, 2; 3, 4 }  # 2x2 matrix
   6  var mat4 = array<int>(5){ [1, 2, 3] }  # 5x3 matrix;


dao.type.array--| dao.type.array: Numeric Array Type (8.7 KB)
                |--method--| dao.type.array.method: Array methods (6.7 KB)